Facebook has (or should have) its own netiquette. We spend most of the day using Facebook so it is only fair to observe certain rules of conduct, out of respect for yourself and others. Sometimes you publish or share something, or do anything, that will bother your friends. Don’t worry it’s probably nothing serious, but it’s best to avoid.
After the list of things you hate on Facebook I present to you the things you should stop doing on Facebook. They are small but fun tips that will keep you from boring your friends or worse cause others to stop following you.
The article doesn't give any particular example as we didn't want to offend anyone, it’s more of a fun read that we hope causes you to reflect on your Facebook behavior and on the web.
11 things you should immediately stop doing on Facebook or things not to do on Facebook
Tagging friends in event promotion photos
Please, stop tagging event promo photos with friends! That goes for landscapes, event flyers and so on. These tags are very annoying and you can be sure that your friends, especially if you know them and the photos have anything to do with them, are finding this very annoying.
I’m of course referring to those who tag photos with general objects and include hundreds of friends.
Automatically Publish content from Twitter
I know, we also wrote a guide to connect Twitter with Facebook, but I do not recommend it. The audience is different between the two social communities and therefore you must talk to them differently. Why follow you on Twitter if we get your exact content on Facebook?
Nobody likes updates that are repeated across all networks at the same time. If you really need to post and publish similar content then use a different time of day for each channel, so your content is exposed to different people.
The same goes for all the social networks and also with regard to profile and Facebook page: Unpublished the same content, or at least not at the same time or you’ll end up with friends or fans in less (or hiding your news).
Click I like their posts and comments
If you have posted a nice picture, or a nice update status that is why you have to click like? Obvious that you like, because otherwise you just posted? There are those who like to click their comments or who I like to click on an item and then on the history generated by creating a loop facebookiano like ” Fabrizio like that enjoyed the article … “.
In addition to being a tedious practice, the real reason why someone feels the need to put like their content is because the action back on top of the post on the bulletin board of news and so gain more visibility … Is it worth it? I advise against this.
I like to invite you to click on the page
I do not know about you, but I like the invitations to click on the pages do not follow them for a while ‘. It is not evil, is that they became too much (invitations, pages and friends that create them) and therefore have lost their value.
This fun sticker says it all without my having to add more.
Requests for games, applications and invitations to events
If you play games all day on Facebook, please don’t send your friends game requests or you risk them hating you. No more requests for any applications, games, or new cool thing you like.
Each app / game gives you the option to skip the “harass your friend” step (disguised as required) that sends game requests to friends so make sure to look for the “skip” button.
For events, you know that you can be blocked from sending future invitations, right? To make sure you don’t get blocked: Only invite those you feel will actually be interested.
Insert # Hashtag unnecessary
Ever since Facebook introduced the hashtag ( see the guide ) it’s become worse than Instangram.
Hashtags are useful if used wisely, not more than 2-3 keywords that identify the post, the argument is. # # This does not mean # # # write like that, it makes no sense, and proves that you do not understand how to use hashtags and Facebook.
Add people at random to groups
This is one of the things I hate most, and do not understand why Facebook continues to allow it for years. When you add someone to a group you’re condemning a wave of notifications (automatically enabled) on the post of the group, which in 95% of cases it is not wanted, especially if no one I asked you.
It would be more correct to let everyone enroll yourself to the groups, and put an end to this form of spam authorized, used for competitions, contests and various advertising.
Mass messages
Please do not send mass messages, your friends will receive a notification for each persons response, which is quite obnoxious and that in some ways is spam.
When someone sends me a message with dozens of people in the conversation I Compete with others who abandons first conversation.
If you have something to say to several friends customize a message for each of them.
Write in capital letters
Writing in CAPITAL LETTERS on the web means shouting and it’s annoying! Not only that, Facebook considers the comments in all capital letters to be spam and thus hides them automatically.
A few words in capital letters are great for attracting attention in a post but full phrases and post that are entirely in capital letters are perfect to be hidden and reported to Facebook. If you are using all capital letters as a method to increase the visibility of your post – you’re doing it the wrong way.
I like too many buttons
If you have a website does not fill me like buttons ( social plugin ), the result could be the opposite of what you expect. The picture says it all.
Send Poke
The old Facebook poke function will probably never die (I hope to be put wrong one day). Facebook has tried several times to get users to show appreciation to other users (even with a dedicated app ) but nothing has caught on as it is a useless feature.
So, better not use it.
What would you add to the list?